Cover of book Everything That Remains: A Memoir by The Minimalists

Everything That Remains: A Memoir by The Minimalists

by: Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus

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34 Highlights | 2 Notes
  • Location: 16 link
    …but their careers have changed them, altered them physically and emotionally, …
  • Location: 16 link
    Someone once told me that our bodies' cells regenerate every seven years, making as completely new people at seven-year intervals.
  • Location: 16 link
    Maybe this is my fourth regeneration, my chance at a new start, an opportunity to be kinder to what I've been given, for that's all there is, and the meter is running.
  • Location: 8 link
    Ask what are you passionate about? Not, what do you.
  • Location: 61 link
    But then again, most things in life aren't innate.
  • Location: 61 link
    Progress requires practice and dedication to a certain extent, a healthy obsession. Hence, passion is mixture of love and obsession.
  • Location: 63 link
    An issue people rarely talk about these days is what true passion actually feels like. Instead we assume that passion feels like excitement - that passion is inherently exciting - but the assumption is wrong.
  • Location: 63 link
    Excitement comes and goes; it wanes when times get hard, when the work gets tough, when creative flow turns into drudgery. True passion, however arise after you've put in the long hours necessary to become a skilled craftsman, a skillset you can then leverage to have an impact, to gain autonomy and respect, to shape and control your destiny.
  • Location: 64 link
    For any dimension of life, for any skill set - be it exercise, ballroom dancing, or writing - a person must be willing to drudge through the drudgery to find joy on the other side.
  • Location: 64 link
    I've aspired all over the place, writing haphazardly whenenver I get excited - and I excite easily.
  • Location: 65 link
    The reality of my daily grind is that life's mundane tasks eat up most of my time …
    These activities are my true priorities.
  • Location: 65 link
    Until I actually put these pursuits first, until I make these undertakings part of my everyday routine, they are not my actual priorities.
  • Location: 68 link
    What if you removed one material posession - just one - from your life each day for a month? What would happen?
  • Location: 70 link
    Why declutter? Why do you want to get rid of things?
  • Location: 70 link
    Do I love this? Does this have a function?
  • Location: 88 link
    Now anytime I feel the urge to hold on to something,, I get rid of it as soon as I hear myself think those words: “just in case”
  • Location: 103 link
    Careers are dangerous because people invest so much of themselves into their careers that they establish an identity and social status based upon where they work and what they do for a living.
  • Location: 105 link
    Sure, I need money to pay for the basics, but I don't need to struggle to earn money to buy crap I don't need anymore.
  • Location: 105 link
    Now, before I spend money, I ask myself one question: Is this worth my freedom?
  • Location: 105 link
    Basically I no longer waste money, and so it is far less important to pursue it endlessly.
  • Location: 107 link
    We always asked “What if?” with so much optimism (as kids), but now the only time we seem to ask it is out of fear.
  • Location: 107 link
    I sit in my chair for 2 hours a day, every day, without any distractions
  • Location: 128 link
    … exhausted, worn out, but it's that good kind of worn out, how you feel when your mind and body've synchronized, heart and thoughts pulsing at the same rate, on the same continuum, transcending intention…
    linkNote: benefits of exercise
  • Location: 133 link
    The point, however, is not to limit myself. My journey toward a simpler life has never been about deprivation. Rather, I limit myself in the short term so I can learn more about me, learn about my psyche, and ultimately identify what is meaningful in my life.
  • Location: 134 link
    Transference - leveraging one's current skillsets and transferring those skills to new endeavors.
  • Location: 138 link
    Creativity. If we are constantly consuming we are not creating.
  • Location: 141 link
    It turns out that killing the Internet at home was the best decision I've ever made with respect to productivity.
  • Location: 141 link
    If I see something I want to do research on the Web, I just can't jump at the impulse; I have to write it down and use that list during connectivity.
  • Location: 145 link
    there were three things that significantly changed his life: establishing habits he enjoyed, simplifying his life, and living with no goals
    linkNote: Why do I have these goals? To give me accountability to myself till it becomes an ingrained habit.
    Decide to live with no goals for a while.
    research: goal-less
    what is a goal?
    How to change, resist temptation, be accountable without goals?
  • Location: 149 link
    That is to say, I don't do things I dislike, but I do do a lot of things that force me to feel discomfort.
  • Location: 156 link
    The truth is; you can skip the pursuit of happiness altogether and just be happy.
  • Location: 190, 191 link
    Basically, I take 20 minutes each day to sit quietly, doing nothing with my body. Nothing. No playing computer chess or texting or doodling or reading or watching TV. I just sit or lie awake, alone, smothered in my own thoughts, undisturbed - no phone, no computer, no music - and I just stare off into space, unfocus my eyes, and let my mind wander.
  • Location: 195 link
    It doesn't matter what you think about, just that you know you've got some time to think.
  • Location: 195 link
    Another way (to start learning)is to start anew. Not unlike kindergarten, this manner of learning ir simultaneously terrifying and exciting, because everything in the atmosphere is so new, so vivid, so uncertain and uncharted. Growth happens rapidly amid the terror and excitement of elementary school.
  • Book References from Everything That Remains: A Memoir by The Minimalists