… but then remembered what I had chosen as my watch word: “Video Et Taceo” — “I see and say nothing.”
Location: 107
It was my task to make them relax, assure them that in my presence they need only be themselves.
Location: 119
That which is most pleasing disappears too soon.
Location: 210
“The rest of my secret is this: Rise early, go to bed likewise, and if you want to prosper, keep your eyes open an dyour mouth shut.”
Location: 223
I was ever the realist, sometimes to my sorrow. But seldom to my regret.
Location: 437
It is wisdom to mask one's weaknesses from others, but only a fool masks them from herself
Location: 666
The only trait that was consistent throughout her life was a superb ability to judge character and to select exactly the right people to serve in the right capacity, thereby getting the most out of the varied talents that surrounded her.