Cover of book Chasing the Dragon: Running to Get High

Chasing the Dragon: Running to Get High

by: Mark Matthews

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7 Highlights | 0 Notes
  • Location: 172 link
    Running just seems to make all of your atoms spin a bit faster, unearths previously hidden parts of yourself, and allows a connection with something deeper.
  • Location: 177 link
    They say religion is for those who don't want to go to hell, but spirituality is for those who have been to hell and don't want to go back.
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    running yourself to physical extremes provides a sense of harrowing hell and then ascending.
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    runners have an edge since their brains and hearts go to some unique places, and discomfort becomes a whole new comfort zone.
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    but running makes us face ourselves, prove ourselves, and every time we win one of those little battles - either to get out the door and put in a few miles, to hit a certain
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    mileage split, or to qualify for the Boston Marathon, it affirms our existence. We've stared into ourselves, listened to the voices of doubt and fear, yet instead responded to something higher.
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    So yes, be a vampire, not a zombie, suck the blood from other runners, rather than shuffle to the end.