Cover of book A Thousand Mornings

A Thousand Mornings

by: Mary Oliver

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Beautiful poems by Mary Oliver
6 Highlights | 0 Notes
  • Location: 1 link

    I go Down to the shore

    I go down to the shore in the morning
    and depending on the hour the waves
    are rolling in or moving out,
    and I say, oh, I am miserable,
    what shall—
    what should I do? And the sea says
    in its lovely voice:
    Excuse me, I have work to do.

  • Location: 7 link

    The Gardener

    Have I lived enough?
    Have I loved enough?
    Have I considered Right Action enough, have I
    come to any conclusion?
    Have I experienced happiness with sufficient gratitude?
    Have I endured loneliness with grace?

    I say this, or perhaps I’m just thinking it.Actually, I probably think too much.

    Then I step out into the garden,where the gardener, who is said to be a simple man,is tending his children, the roses.

  • Location: 23 link


    Today I’m flying low and I’m
    not saying a word.
    I’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep.

    The world goes on as it must,
    the bees in the garden rumbling a little,
    the fish leaping, the gnats getting eaten.
    And so forth.

    But I’m taking the day off.
    Quiet as a feather.
    I hardly move though really I’m travelling
    a terrific distance.

    Stillness. One of the doors
    into the temple.

  • Location: 45 link

    I have decided

    I have decided to find myself a home
    in the mountains, somewhere high up
    where one learns to live peacefully in
    the cold and the silence. It’s said that
    in such a place certain revelations may
    be discovered. That what the spirit
    reaches for may be eventually felt, if not
    exactly understood. Slowly, no doubt. I’m
    not talking about a vacation.

    Of course at the same time I mean to
    stay exactly where I am.

    Are you following me?

  • Location: 65 link

    The poet compares human nature
    to the ocean from which we came

    The sea can do craziness, it can do smooth,
    it can lie down like silk breathing
    or toss havoc shoreward; it can give

    Gifts or withhold it all; it can rise, ebb, froth
    like an incoming frenzy of fountains, or it can
    sweet-talk entirely. As I can too,

    and so, no doubt, can you, and you.

  • Location: 69 link

    The man who has many answers

    The man who has many answers
    is often found
    in the theaters of information
    where he offers, graciously,
    his deep findings.

    While the man who has only questions,
    to comfort himself, makes music.